What sort of computations could you do with 35 Mac OS Xhines that are on all the time? Linux is multiuser, so your use of a Mac OS Xhine doesn’t prevent anyone else from using it, as long as you exercise good taste about resource consumption. Linux is on all the time, and as long as it’s on, it may as well be doing work for you. If you’re doing this on a laptop, your suspend and restore feature must be rock solid. The sight of the arrangement you left it in will jog your memory of what you were doing. You can interrupt work in progress and expect to be able to go back to it later.
This is a “desktop” experience much like a physical desk. Also, it is common to stay logged into a Linux Mac OS Xhine for months at a time.
You don’t need to reload Linux every six months to get your performance back.
Once Linux is customized to the the quirks of particular hardware, it will run well on it indefinitely. Reliability and securityįor practical purposes, Linux never catches viruses, and doesn’t spend most of its lifetime being twitchy and slow. My goal is to expand and improve your computer experience. How is Linux different from Windows/Mac OS XĪt the moment you’re probably using Windows/Mac OS X, and it works for you, so what’s the big deal with Linux? Below are some computing concepts which you probably haven’t been exposed to in the Windows/Mac OS X world.